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Free Medical Health Expo 2013

The Auckland Indian Association Inc (AIAI) and the Auckland Indian Medical Society (AIMS) are jointly organising a free Medical Health Expo on 10th March 2013, at Mahatma Gandhi Centre from 10 am to 4 pm.
The Expo is aimed at providing people with the knowledge and health care options available to them; so that they can make informed choices related to their health and wellbeing. Experts will provide information on various illnesses and medical conditions. This will go a long way in helping people look after themselves and live a healthy, happy and longer life. The Expo is open to every one of any age, sex and physical condition.
The range of free medical clinics run by doctors and specialists include: ENT, Eyes, Diabetes, Skin, Kidney diseases, Cancer, Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Stroke, Heart, Hypertension, Physiotherapy, Chiropractice, Indian massage, Meditation, Ayurvedic medicine, Acupuncture etc.
Service Providers at the expo include: Procare Ltd, St John Northern Region, Breast Screen Auckland Ltd, Diabetes Auckland, Osteoporosis NZ, Arthritis NZ, Breast and Cervical smear testing, NZ Heart Foundation, Stroke Foundation, Lynfield Recreation Centre etc.
For more information please contact: Dhiru M Patel, Chairperson: Health & Fitness AIAI on (09) 626 6134 or email: dhirubp@hotmail.com and Narandra Uka, Asst Treasurer AIAI on 412 5094 ; Mobile: 021 235 3653 or Email: nuka@xtra.co.nz

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