Act Party lists another Kiwi Indian candidate

Another member of the Indian community has emerged as a candidate for Act Party in November’s general election.
Auckland banker Raja Venkatesh, of New Lynn, has been selected by Act to contest the New Lynn electorate.
Born in New Delhi and brought up in Chennai, Mr Venkatesh, 43, worked in Singapore before moving to New Zealand 10 years ago.
Pratima Nand is the other member of the Indian community selected by Act to contest the election; she is 16th on the party list while Mr Venkatesh is not on the list.
Mr Venkatesh believes he can make a positive difference to the lives of Aucklanders.
His values in life: “To support, help and serve the needy in the community.
“I have great passion for serving the community and the nation. I believe in philosophy of our Act Party.
“I am well connected to the community at the grassroot level, I believe this opportunity shall certainly help me to put forward various issues that concern the community at proper forum through Act Party.”
Mr Venkatesh believes the Act Party is now stronger with Don Brash at the helm? “Yes absolutely.
“Act really wants affordable housing to again become a reality for all Kiwis. A party vote for Act is a vote for property rights.
On Anna Hazare's campaign? “His campaign has awakened the moral conscience that appeared to be in slumber for decades.”
Mr Venkatesh has been the project co-ordinator for the Volunteer Programmes in the Bank of New Zealand “Closed for Good” project (2009 / 2011) which turned out to be huge success.
He is actively supporting the community programmes of following organizations: ISCKON movement Auckland; Balmoral Presbyterian Church, Balmoral, Auckland; West Life Church Glendene, Auckland; Harmony Events Auckland; IOSSKANZ – Karate Assn NZ Inc.
Mr Venkatesh is married with two children. His wife, Lata is a teacher aide and children are in college.