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Getting candid with Hrithik Roshan

Bollywood hunk Hrithik Roshan is promoting peace these days. Sreya Basu in conversation with the actor in Mumbai

You recently launched I Pledge 4 Peace campaign by Kumaris in Mumbai. Do you think a single person can make a difference to World

It sounds like a big job to bring peace to the entire world by a single individual. But I stupidly think it is possible because I believe all manifestations around us are reflections of what is within us. What transpires, may be few moments of anger, within the four walls of my house … my living room, bedroom, between two people in a relationship … father-son, boss-servant … all that is a micro view of all the madness that is going across the world.

So what will you suggest one should do in such a situation?

It is very important how you react to people around you. Sometimes you meet someone and feel superior and sometimes you feel inferior. But this is wrong. When you are feeling superior to anybody, don’t think there is a logical reason behind it; it’s just your ego at play. We still have not been able to understand the true meaning of universal love. We all are equals and there is no difference between a man living on the 100th floor and one who is living at the ground floor. Everyone has equal opportunity to smile as well as to experience sadness.

You mean to say charity begins at home?

Definitely. If you want to bring peace into the world, understand you have to be peaceful within first. That’s the easiest way to spread peace. Everyone wants to be happy but nobody wants to put in the effort.

You are a superstar. Don’t you ever feel superior?

I am being looked upon right now as a star and am supposed to feel superior, but I don’t. Sometimes I want to (feel superior), but then, I am just as scared and as full of weaknesses and shortcomings like all of us. Success is nothing but your weaknesses that you have turned inside out.

Are you a director’s actor?

Yes. I consider myself as one of the paints in a painting. The painter is the director. People appreciate the painting as a whole, not just one colour.

After the success of Agneepath, are you considering more remakes?

I am not interested in doing remakes, I don’t like destroying the sanctity of a classic film. But Karan Johar’s Agneepath had a different script (as you all know now), in fact, a fantastic script which I could not refuse.

Your wax statue among most kissed at Madame Tussauds and you are a gay icon too. How does it feel?

It’s nice to know there is so much love out there for me, whatever way and whatever form.

You are seen as one of the sexiest actors of Bollywood.

No one is born sexy … a lot of hard work and sacrifices go into making that body. I had a double slipped disc and was bed-ridden for over a month. That time I felt like I have lost something … not just physically, but psychologically. I was so depressed that I started eating all the time so much so that my waist became 36-and-a-half inches.

Then how did you get rid of those extra kilos?

I was to start shooting for Krrish 3 in a week and got the best trainers from across the world to put me back in shape. I never wanted to be injured and feel pain again. I even gave up smoking. I was into smoking for two-and-a-half years.

Why is that we never see you in a comedy film?

I would love to do a comedy but most comic scripts that have been offered to me so far are either forced or slapstick. I want to do a serious comedy like Ben Stiller does.


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