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"You. Yes, you.”: Tauranga resident gets spooky parking threat

A mysterious note, the size of a business card, with a hint of dark comedy–a Tauranga resident wasn’t in for this rude surprise when he saw his car’s windscreen. 

The card starts with a sassy front that boldly declares–"You. Yes, you. You park badly, and you should feel bad. Stop. Use the bus, get a bike, or get lessons. Preferably all three." 

Signed off with the cheeky touch of "sincerely, every other person on the road", according to news website Stuff.

But hold on, flip the card, and it takes a nosedive into the realms of the sinister. A warning, or maybe a threat? "Next time you will be keyed. Thank you." Cue the dramatic music.

The owner of the car, a Nissan Leaf EV, decided to share the note with the Tauranga community. He posted pics of his parked pride and joy, seeking answers. 

"Who's the a**** handing out these snarky critiques? And could someone decode the cryptic message about my parking skills?" Fear not, the car remains unscathed, but the mystery lingers.

Is it about proximity to the curb, not colorfully staying within the lines, or perhaps emitting "cyclist vibes"? Some even suspected a covert operation by anti-EV nutjobs or maybe a 90s font enthusiast on the loose.

When Stuff asked the police what the legal take was on such notes, a police spokesperson said a potential charge here would be under the Summary Offences Act, Intimidation, which covers offences with intent to “frighten or intimidate any other person... threatens to injure... or to damage any of that person’s property.”

If convicted of such a charge, a person could face three months behind bars or a fine up to $2,000.

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