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National MPs heading to Wellington as coalition talks in final stages

Some of National's top-ranked MPs, including Nicola Willis and Chris Bishop, are flying to Wellington this morning, in further signs a deal for a new government is near.

With the parties' boards yet to sign off, agreements could be announced as early as Thursday. Leader Christopher Luxon on Monday claimed the policy details of the deals with both ACT and NZ First were only waiting to be signed off by one another, with ministerial and Cabinet positions remaining to be negotiated.

Willis, the deputy leader - who Luxon has promised the Finance Minister role - told reporters at Auckland Airport on Wednesday morning those discussions were ongoing - but, asked what her departure meant, said: "it means that my work here is done".

"I just want the same thing that everyone in New Zealand wants, which is for us to get on, have some agreements signed, and form a government."

Bishop, a senior MP and member of National's negotiating team, said his departure was not a sign a deal had been done - more a matter of laundry.

"I've run out of clothes, I'm currently wearing Christopher Luxon's shirt," he told a surprised RNZ reporter at the airport.

"He lent me a blue shirt," explained Bishop.

It did not mean a deal had been signed, he insisted, "it just means I've got to go home, I've been away for three and half nights and I was up here for one".

Party president Sylvia Wood was also seen at Auckland Airport this morning.

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