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Real estate outlook looks promising post elections

The recent political metamorphosis in Aoteroa has brought forth a blend of contemplation and optimism, especially within the real estate realm. The past few years have unfolded as a rigorous test of resilience for the industry, navigating through the high tide of interest rates, an apparent tilt of legal frameworks towards tenants, and the enduring storm of the pandemic. 

These challenges, although daunting, have honed our adaptability and underscored the importance of innovation in service delivery, a narrative we at Impression Real Estate have embraced wholeheartedly through our digital transformation.

Now, as we steer through the tranquil waters post-election, the horizon seems to promise a blend of stability and growth, thanks to the pragmatic policies tabled by the incoming National-led government. 

The proposition to accelerate social housing construction, coupled with potential tax amendments, is a beacon of hope aiming to redress the scales of opportunity for landlords and tenants alike. It's a narrative that resonates well with our ethos at Impression, where fostering a balanced landlord-tenant relationship is core to our operations.

The recent market trends showcasing a surge in residential properties for sale and a steady ascent in house prices are heartening indicators. They reflect a market gradually regaining its pulse, fueled further by the positive sentiment emanating from the government's vision. 

However, the quintessence of change embodies a slow, steady pace. The full bloom of these policies may unfold over the next sis to 12 months, yet the seeds of optimism are already sown, and the green shoots of confidence among stakeholders are palpable.

Our journey at Impression has been one of continuous evolution, with a keen eye on enhancing customer service through digital avenues. It's a trajectory we are committed to, and the anticipation of more proactive support from the government in adapting new technology augments our resolve. 

It's not just about navigating the present; it’s about crafting a future where technology and policy synergy drive a robust, efficient real estate ecosystem.

The government’s stride towards a balanced policy framework is akin to a harmonious tune, promising to orchestrate a market rhythm that resonates with growth, stability, and innovation. It's a tune that could potentially transform the landlord-tenant narrative, infusing it with a sense of fairness and opportunity.

In conclusion, the new political chapter heralds a narrative of hope and a vista of promising opportunities for the real estate sector. The blend of pragmatic policies, coupled with an industry poised to leverage technological advancements, scripts a narrative rich with potential. 

It's a dawn of a new era, where the tales of resilience from the past fuel the aspirations for a vibrant real estate landscape. And as we at Impression glide through these promising waters, the ethos of innovation and customer-centricity remains our compass, guiding us towards a horizon laden with boundless opportunities.

(The writer is CEO at Auckland-based property management company Impression Real Estate Ltd)

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