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Wellington protest: Extra police on patrol, roads closed ahead of marches

Police have put on extra staff in Wellington with an influx of people expected to be in the capital today for a protest from Civic Square to Parliament.

The combined event is expected to include protesters organised by a diverse range of organisations, including the Freedom Rights Coalition, the Convoy Coalition and Stop Co-Governance.

The Poneke Anti-Fascist Coalition said it was counter-protesting.

Ahead of the protests roads have been closed and bus routes been diverted with police saying officers were "prepared and on alert" and would be "highly visible across Wellington city" during the protests.

Acting Superintendent Wade Jennings said the police focus had been on ensuring buses and trains were able to operate as normal and that disruption for local residents and businesses would be minimal.

"For those coming to march and protest at Parliament, we respect people's right to demonstrate peacefully in support of their cause, but we are prepared to take enforcement action if it stops being peaceful," he said.


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