Petition seeks unrestricted visitor visa for parents of NZ migrants

Written by IWK Bureau | Aug 4, 2023 1:57:48 AM

It is the dream of many migrants in New Zealand to have their parents stay with them for long periods.

Taking a cue from the same, and in a bid to foster family reunification and strengthen family ties, SNK Consultancy, a South Auckland-based immigration and visa services firm, has launched a petition urging the New Zealand government to introduce unrestricted visitor visas for parents of New Zealand citizens and residents.

The request seeks to address challenges faced by many New Zealanders who wish to be reunited with their aging parents but are hindered by current visa restrictions.

Many have found it increasingly difficult to be with their parents during critical moments or special occasions due to the limitations of visitor visas, which often have strict conditions regarding the length of stay and frequency of visits.

Talking to The Indian Weekender, Licensed Immigration Advisor and Director of SNK Consultancy Limited, Shaneel Kavit Kumar, says, “Many New Zealanders miss important family milestones and cannot provide the care and support their aging parents require.

“I have started a petition requesting the government to create a visitor visa category for parents of New Zealand citizens and residents where parents can stay in New Zealand without restriction on duration.

“This means that those parents will be able to stay in NZ for as long as they want but on a visitor visa status. This will allow New Zealanders to have their parents live with them but at their kids' expense.

“The kids can take out medical insurance or pay for their parents' expenses. I believe such a category will allow New Zealanders to have their parents live with them without costing the government a lot of money.”

When asked if any other country has such a policy, Kumar says, “ No, but that does not stop New Zealand from having one and setting a precedent for others. By granting residency to more than 205,000 migrants under RV2021, New Zealand has done something in the past that no other country has done."

Kumar, a Fiji-Indian who became an immigration advisor in 2021, maintains that restrictive visa policies have been a significant concern for families separated by geographical boundaries.

"I have done hundreds of applications for residency under the RV2021 category. Once residency is approved, every one of my clients has asked me ‘how do I get my parents to come over?’ The government cannot give out residency to all these parents because it would be too costly to the system – especially medical services.

“Once a person becomes a resident, they are entitled to benefits which cost the government a lot of money, which is why the parent category only awards residency to 2,500 parents per year.”

Kumar believes that enabling parents to spend more time with their children and grandchildren can have immeasurable benefits for both generations. “I hope that policymakers will take notice and consider implementing more inclusive and family-friendly visa policies for the parents of New Zealand citizens and residents,” he says

The campaign launched on August 1 has already garnered significant support with more than 400 signatures.

One of the supporters, Thembinkosi Terra Mafanya, says, “It is a great initiative. I will definitely sign and share it, too.”

Another signatory, Yashmin, said, "It would be a dream come true if our parents could stay with us long term, even on a visitor visa. It would save the hassle of applying for their visa again and again. I fully support the petition."

To sign the petition, which ends on September 8, and show support, visit: https://petitions.parliament.nz/bd9acabc-5e0d-4ab2-790d-08db8c944d78