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Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown unveils his plans to address budget hole

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown has reiterated his intention to sell all of the council's shares in Auckland Airport.

The super city faces a $375 million deficit - which includes $50 million needed for storm recovery.

Brown told some media this morning an additional debt of up to $100 million may be necessary.

"The long-term plan will be a shock to the way council do things, from management right through... We will set out as if we were running a company, not just historical building upon those who have had the ability to scream the loudest in the past. Nor will we be flogging the family silver."

Brown had earlier briefed councillors in a behind-closed-door meeting on his budget cutting plans.

Speaking to some media this morning, Brown said he was going ahead with his mayoral budget.

Brown said only media that were "sensible" were invited to hear his plan. He called some media "nasty".

He took a shot at current and former Auckland Councillors who he said continued to spend even as Covid-19 and inflation made it hard for ratepayers.

"Covid didn't create the mess we are in. And nor did I. It was irresponsible living beyond our means. And unfortunately, it has caught up with us.

"I also inherited a return cast of councillors, quite a lot of them not financially literate and with a severe aversion to making difficult and unpopular choices."

The mayor said that unlike Minister of Finance Grant Robertson he could not print more money so he wanted to propose a "tough budget".

His budget proposal was more or less the same, with a few changes after listening to submissions, he said.

Reiterating his intention to sell all of the council's shares in Auckland Airport, he says rates increase will go no higher than 6.7 percent.

"To send out $100 million in interest in the hope of getting $30 million back is a waste of money. And so I propose in my budget the full sale of the 18 percent shareholding in Auckland International Airport, currently valued at $2.3 billion.

"I'm also proposing that the rates will be still low at 6.7 percent. Anything higher than inflation would place an undue burden on households."

Brown said arts and culture leaders spoke well, but need to exercise some restraint.

He said he tried to convince Auckland Museum to charge adults, but they said no - Brown said there will be some changes.

He thanked local boards that tried to make savings.

"The Citizens Advice Bureau funding will be restored, but under instructions that they've got to start shifting their funding to other sources.

"Other councils only provide some funding for [CAB]. If you give away free money, it has endless demand. Most of what the Citizens Advice Bureau people do... is actually solving problems for the government. The government has moved its provision of services to digital delivery - which is sensible. But it means there's no shopfront for their problems in Auckland."

On the potential additional $100 million borrowing that may be needed, Brown said "It's not scaremongering".

"It's just the best solution that we have. It's the only way to prevent steep rate rises, claw back community funding cuts and pay off our most expensive debt. Our capacity to borrow isn't the issue - it's our capacity to pay it back."

Brown said he wanted to use savings to fix some things.

"I was elected by 180,000 people to fix Auckland. I didn't realise I'd spend the first six months just doing a budget."

Brown did not allow questions from the media at the end of his speech.


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