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Protesters block Wellington traffic for second time in a week

Police have removed protesters who were blocking Adelaide Road, near the Basin Reserve, in central Wellington this morning.

Some of the protesters, from the Restore Passenger Rail group, had glued themselves to the road, in a bid to highlight the climate crisis.

Police earlier said five people were assisting them with enquiries and charges were being considered.

Although police have previously threatened the group with jail time, group spokesperson Rosemary Penwarden earlier told RNZ they were more afraid for their children's future than of imprisonment.

"We are here prepared to accept the consequences of our actions," she said.

"We are doing it peacefully and we are doing it with love."

A protester is led away by police.

Police move a protester sitting on Adelaide Road. Photo: RNZ/Gemima Huston

Today's protest followed a similar one by the group at the Terrace Tunnel on Monday.

Following that earlier protest, Wellington District Commander Superintendent Corrie Parnell said those taking part ran the risk of being "seriously injured", adding that they posed "a serious threat to public safety, as traffic is forced to take evasive action to avoid collision and emergency services may be prohibited from attending emergencies".

Parnell said any protesters blocking traffic in the future should expect to be arrested and charged with endangering transport, which under Section 270 of the Crimes Act 1961 could land them a maximum sentence of 14 years' imprisonment.

"We urge protesters to consider their safety and the safety of others when planning their peaceful protest," he said.

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