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Rolleston badminton tournament attracts players of all levels and backgrounds

Badminton is one of the most popular sports among the Indian community in New Zealand, as evident by the success of the Autumn Doubles Open Tournament held by the Rolleston Badminton Club. 

At least 80 players representing several social and sports clubs from different ethnic communities squared off during the competition at Selwyn Sports Centre on April 1, 2023.

The tournament was open to amateur and professional players, and was played across five divisions on eight courts and featured 100 matches with 216 games.

Women players in the tournament were allowed to challenge men and compete with them, making it an inclusive event for all participants. The tournament was sponsored by Classic Builders along with other local businesses, including Indian Paradise, Eco Travels, and Protech Sports.

The winners of the tournament in each division were:

Division 1

Gold – Ribu Dhakal & Sam Loan

Silver – Warwick Werder & Anil Cheriyakudy Kunjappan

Bronze – Ajay Vignesh & Shubrata Mittu


Division 2

Gold – Scott Chen & Josh Zhao

Silver – CK Chiong & Raymond Too

Bronze – Qing Hao Goh & Anil Kumar Kesuboyina


Division 3

Gold – Ivan Thean & Chun Fei Chin

Silver – Jaslie Cheah and Daniel Cheng

Bronze – Don Gallage & Jayjay Jung


Division 4

Gold – Naresh Annam & Jeet Gadhavi

Silver – Jace Hsu and Jane Wang

Bronze – Min Jin and April Wang


Division 5

Gold – Franco Estiller & Sharmine Vinzon

Silver – Tanmayi Pagadala & Navneeth Raja

Bronze – Linda Sparks & Mike Sparks


The tournament had the services of BNZ-accredited umpires. Preetham Pagadala, the tournament organiser, expressed delight over the turnout and the event’s success. 

“We have pushed the limits of traditional knockout-based tournaments. The players were provided with more opportunities to play with a wide variety of teams, which everyone liked. It wasn’t easy to organise 100 matches (all best of 3 games) in 8 hours,” he told The Indian Weekender.

Pagadala said the club is looking forward to organising similar events for the community in the near future. Participants and the community appreciated the tournament for showcasing the popularity of badminton among the Indian community. They congratulated the club for hosting an inclusive and well-organised event with participation from players of all backgrounds.

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