After a two-year hiatus, Indian Community Southland Inc. (ICS), has announced Diwali celebration 2022 which has got the Indian community in Southland excited. The traditional Indian "Festival of lights" will be held at the ILT Stadium Southland on October 29, 2022 from 11 AM to 7 PM.
ICS had previous hosted successful Diwali festivals in 2018 and 2019.
The most important festival celebration this year will have the Indian Community, residents of Invercargill and the Southland region celebrate in style with entertainment, food, music, and culture.
This year, ICS Inc. is bringing something new and exciting by getting a popular and well-known dance group Khottey Sikkey comprising of Kesha Surti and the team. The group specialises in Bollywood Dance, folk, semi-classical, and other fusion dance. Having performed in various Indian community events over many years, it is the first time that the community in Southland will get to witness their talent and also participate in an interactive workshop conducted for the audience.
ICS has also arranged a few activities for the local communities to understand Indian culture and vibrancy better. These activity corners will include:
The icing on the cake will be the Bollywood DJ from 5PM on 29th October.
ICS Inc. has received tremendous support and inspiration from local businesses and organisations and would like to extend its gratitude towards all these supporters.
Indian Community Southland Inc. is inviting people from all over Invercargill and Southland region to come and be a part of this festivity ON OCTOBER 29, 2022 AT THE ILT STADIUM SOUTHLAND, 11.00 AM ONWARDS