Meet your career doctor

Written by IWK Bureau | Jul 1, 2022 12:09:47 AM

Are you looking to get ahead in your career and want support? The Migrant Careers Support Trust is here to help if your answer is yes.

The Trust, which aims to help migrants carve a successful career path for themselves, has come up with its endeavour - the Career Clinic Project - to get closer to making a marked difference in the lives of migrants. The Career Clinic will be available to select individuals who need further one-to-one guidance in their career journey. The candidates will be provided up to 3 one hour consultations with registered career professionals, free of cost. The migrants can come from any field, and they will be matched to the right expert, depending on their background and the level of support required. 

"This kind of personalised support is very expensive if sought from the open market and many migrants who are struggling, cannot afford it. Also, this is helpful for the vulnerable members of the community, who may not be able to get support in group workshops or who need the next level of support, ” says Garry Gupta, Chairperson and founder of The Migrant Careers Support Trust

It is noteworthy that this service will be provided by the migrants for the migrants. Since Migrant Careers Support Trust comes from the community, they have a  deeper understanding of the problems and issues faced by the migrant community. “We do not discriminate on the basis of visa status. We like to help whoever needs help. So a person of any visa status (except visitor Visa) and citizens as well will be served. We will act as a conduit to refer the migrants to the right agencies,” says Gupta.

The Trust is supported by many government and non-government bodies/agencies and partners who can help and guide those in need. The primary outcome of the Career Clinic will be for migrants to be able to navigate their career journey better and thus become economically independent. This will help bridge the systemic inequalities migrants have faced over generations to settle into mainstream careers in New Zealand.

Please visit their website for more details and registrations: www.migrantcareers.org.nz.