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Petition to make rentals pet friendly in NZ

“Animals are such agreeable friends. They ask no questions, they pass no criticisms." ? George Elliot.

The bond between a pet and its owner is something that can’t be put in words. But if you are a renter who owns a pet, you would know the feeling of frustration and helplessness of scrolling through endless properties that coldly state "no pets".

According to the Companion Animals in New Zealand 2020 report by Companion Animals NZ (CANZ), NZ is home to more than 4.35 million companion animals. 41 percent of NZ households have cats, a third own a dog, and 9 percent have fish. When contacted, CANZ Manager David Lloyd confirmed that they had had over 20 percent growth in the number of cats and dogs being registered on the NZ Companion Animal Register, which is a good indicator that the pet population in NZ is growing. 

More and more people are having to put their pets up for adoption for fear of being homeless. There is no denying that many landlords in NZ close the door on potential tenants just because they have pets as they adhere to the no pet policy. Many pet owners could be willing to pay extra bonds for their pet or pay for any damages incurred by their animal when they look for a rental property. However, landlords refuse, making it incredibly difficult to find a home.


Petition highlights concerns
In light of this situation, a petition named ‘NZ tenancy laws regarding pets’, has been started recently. It has got more than 275 signatures so far. The petition started by Megan Coombes states, “The petition hopes that it will change the NZ Tenancy laws regarding pets. The law currently states that a landlord can choose not to have any pets in the household they are renting out... Our animals are family, they should be considered as such. The potential damage animals could do to a property is one of the main reasons why landlords often choose "no pets allowed", but many studies have shown that children are often the ones who do more damage. This is a massive issue for pet owners in NZ, and something needs to change."

Indian Weekender spoke to Animal welfare activists and experts to know their take on the issue and what needs to be done.

Dr Alison Vaughan, Scientific Officer, SPCA (The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Incorporated) says, "NZ has one of the highest rates of pet ownership globally, and Kiwis overwhelmingly consider their pets part of their whanau. SPCA encourages landlords to consider renting to families with companion animals.

“Doing so can be beneficial not only to the pet owner but the landlord too. Landlords who allow renters to have pets are able to widen their pool of potential tenants, and research shows that landlords offering pet-friendly rentals are more likely to keep their properties rented for longer and may even maximise their profits. For those considering renting to pet owners, there are a few options which they can explore, including advertising rentals as 'pets negotiable', allowing renters to foster animals (short term care of rescue animals), asking prospective tenants for pet CVs, asking for references from previous rentals or meeting the pets.”

SAFE (Save Animals From Exploitation) CEO Debra Ashton feels that changes to the Tenancies Act are the need of the hour. “We’d like to see more landlords agreeing to permit companion animals in their rental properties. Any changes to the Tenancies Act that are needed to encourage landlords should be made,” says Ashton.

Carolyn Press-McKenzie, CEO HUHA  (Helping You Help Animals Trust), says “HUHA receives hundreds of calls and takes in hundreds of animals every year due to families being unable to find rental accommodation that allows pets.   

"We suggest that landlords encourage good pet ownership by recognising that a responsible pet owner will have their pet desexed, vaccinated and microchipped. There is a vast difference in behaviour between an animal that lives as an adored family member and one that is left outside undersexed, with little to no enrichment or training."

Sharing the same experience, Lucie Langley, Secretary PAWS Animal Shelter Manawatu says, "We have calls made to us weekly from people who are devastated that they can no longer keep their pet due to their rentals not allowing dogs, some pets they've had in their family for several years and is their only source of companionship.

“A change promoting the agreement of responsible dog owners to allows dogs in rentals would most certainly be a positive. We agree the tenancy laws could be up for change to allow the opportunity for 'responsible' dog-owning tenants to house their pets in their rentals. Be it by providing references and or dog bonds.

“We, however, do believe it is up to dog owners to ensure their dogs are kept responsibly and legally, e.g. registered and microchipped, that they are cared for, and the property is also cared for where the dog resides.”

Animal law specialist Ian Robertson of Guardians Animal Law feels a standardised tenancy pet agreement that is competently designed and administered by a regulatory body provides the opportunity for a way forward.

" A standardised tenancy pet agreement that is competently designed and administered by a regulatory body provides the opportunity for a way forward that (a)  meets the concerns of landlords and tenants, (b) factors in reasonableness and responsibility, and (c) provides enforceable remedies to be applied in cases of accidents or not-so-responsible pet owners," says Ian.


Government not considering changes

The government is not currently considering any further changes to the Residential Tenancies Act regarding pets.

When contacted, a spokesperson from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development said, "There is no work ongoing in relation to keeping pets in rental properties. The Residential Tenancies Amendment Act became law on 11 August 2020, with most of the changes coming into effect on 11 February 2021. In the Act, there were no changes to the RTA law around pets in a rental situation.

“When the Ministry looked at the reform of the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA), the topic of pets attracted particularly high levels of interest during the public consultation and select committee process. It was an area where there were directly opposing and strongly held views.

“In the consultation, landlords thought that decisions around allowing pets should be at their discretion. They were concerned about the damage that pets can do to rental properties, the costs of remedying this damage, and whether tenants will be held liable. They supported introducing a pet bond. Eighty-three per cent of landlords considered that landlords should be able to decline pet requests without giving reasons.

“Many tenants thought that pet ownership should not be a privilege reserved only for homeowners. They noted that pets can have positive impacts on well-being. Tenants that have pets or want to get pets find it very difficult to secure appropriate rental properties. Seventy-two per cent of tenants considered that landlords should not be able to decline pets without giving reasons.”


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