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At 95 percent, Kiwi Indians top jab stats

More than 200,239 members of the Indian community across New Zealand have been vaccinated so far, as per the latest data by the Ministry of Health.

Out of them, more than 189,418, which is equal to 95 percent of the eligible Indian population have got their first vaccine dose, while more than 110,313 (approximately 55 percent) are fully vaccinated.

Interestingly, this is much above the overall New Zealand average because 78 percent of the eligible population across New Zealand have got their first vaccine and 46 percent of the eligible population with two doses till now. In New Zealand, as of October 1, 2021, 5,221,014 doses of Covid 1- vaccine have been administered - 3,295,644 - first dose and 1,925,370 of the second.

According to recent statistics, 91 percent of the Indian community in the age group of 65 and above have had their first dose, 83 percent have had both. In the age group of 35-49 years, 98 percent of Indians have got their first jab and 60 percent have got both.

In terms of district health board-wise data across Auckland, 93 percent Indians in the Auckland DHB region have received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccination and 57 percent the second, Counties Manukau has administered 94 percent of Indians with the first dose and 61percent with second dose and Waitemata DHB has vaccinated 95 percent Indians with the first dose and 55 percent with both.


A Ministry of Health spokesperson said, “As of today, 80 percent of the eligible population in New Zealand aged 12 and over has received at least one dose or has a booking. The Ministry is encouraged to see the numbers of all Kiwis continuing to book and receive their vaccinations throughout the country.”

Indians seem to be one of the highest vaccinated communities in New Zealand. While 86 percent have got one jab, 57 percent of Fijians have got both their doses, 54percent of Maoris have got the first vaccine and only 28 percent are fully vaccinated.

Kiwi-Indians feel that the Indian community should be more forthcoming and should become the first community to be 100 percent vaccinated with both doses.

“There is no denying that getting vaccination is integral to keeping oneself and our community safe during Covid 19 global pandemic. These numbers are encouraging but we hope all Kiwi Indians get fully vaccinated as soon as possible. The percentage of fully vaccinated Kiwi Indians should go much higher in coming weeks,” says Sachin Verma, an essential worker currently working in the retail sector.

Sharing the same sentiment, another Kiwi Indian, Arpita Kala, says, “This high vaccination rate among Indian show that they are proactive and aware about the importance of vaccination. As a community, we should encourage each other to get their vaccine as soon as possible. It would be superb if we become the first community to be fully vaccinated in New Zealand.”





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