History created: Gaurav Sharma elected as first ever electorate Kiwi-Indian MP

History was created in 2020 elections when Gaurav Sharma became the first ever Indian-descent MP in New Zealand Parliament to win an electorate seat from Hamilton West.
Image courtsey www.stuff.co.nz
Gaurav Sharma was standing from the Labour Party and contesting from Hamilton West seat, which was another blue seat that had turned red in this elections.
He defeated his nearest rival National's sitting MP Tim Macindoe by a margin of 4,425 votes.
The Indian Weekender wishes Gaurav Sharma all the best in his journey in NZ parliament ahead.
Meanwhile, sitting Labour MP Priyanca Radhakrishan also gave a close fight to National's Denise Lee and lost the seat by a whisker margin of mere 580 votes.
She will still enter the parliament as Labour Party's List MP.