Inorganic collection is just one of many options to get rid of unwanted items during the year.
“It’s important to think about what you can do to reuse, repair, or recycle items before deciding to send them to landfill," Councillor Penny Hulse, chair of the Environment and Community committee, said in a media release.
“Thanks to your contributions to the inorganic collection service, more than 5000 tonnes of material have been diverted from landfill since the new service was rolled out in 2015.”
“Our goal is to make it easy for Aucklanders to do the right thing with their unwanted items all year long.
"How can you help contribute to a circular economy? Let’s work together to keep Auckland clean and beautiful," Councillor Penny Hulse added.
A circular economy is one in which people keep resources in use for as long as possible, extract the maximum value from them whilst they are in use, then recover, regenerate, reuse, recycle or upcycle products and materials at the end of that resource’s life.
If one has items in good condition, then they are encouraged to please consider selling or donating them to their local charity or recycling centre first. The remainder can be picked up in the inorganic collection.
Find out options for getting rid of specific items on the Auckland Council website.
Visit the Auckland Council website to check which items you can put out for collection.
When one enters their address, the booking tool will let them know when their collection period is. Then they can fill in the necessary information to make their booking. Bookings close eight days before your collection period starts.
You can also make a booking in-person at their local service centre, or by calling 09 301 0101.
Once they've made a booking, they'll be given a timeframe for when collections will happen in their area. Residents will get an exact collection date by email, text or phone and collections will take place between February and November 2019.
One can book as early as they like. If they no longer need the service, they can easily cancel.
Here are some quick tips for when it’s time for your collection:
For more about inorganic collections, go to