Staying alert prevents mishaps

Written by IWK Bureau | Oct 6, 2016 11:10:55 PM

New Zealand Police are encouraging everyone to be safe during the upcoming Diwali festival. We are seeking to prevent crime, improve public safety, decrease road trauma and actively hold offenders accountable for their actions. With prevention in forefront, New Zealand Police are keen to actively work with everyone in New Zealand community to active these goals.

Police news

 Quick apprehension through enquiries 

On October 2, two offenders entered the Gloucester Superette in Manurewa at about 11:30 a.m. One of the offenders was armed with a small samurai sword while the other acted as a lookout.

The shop attendant was threatened with the samurai sword and forced to allow the offender to steal cash from the till.

The offender then left the shop and ran off on foot with his associate.

Enquiries by Police have quickly resulted in the arrest of the main offender who was armed with the samurai sword. He is a 26 year old and has been charged with aggravated robbery. Further enquiries are continuing in regards to the second offender.

 The effectiveness of panic alarms 

At about 4:09 p.m. on September 28, two men entered a dairy in Papakura. There was only the lone male Indian attendant in the shop behind the counter.

One of the offenders approached the counter and leaned over grabbing the victim by his jacket and demanding money. The victim’s wife observed this on the CCTV monitor from within the dwelling house attached to the dairy.

She quickly pressed the panic button and activated the loud audible alarm in the store. The offenders quickly ran out of the store upon hearing the alarm.

The store attendant was unharmed during the incident and nothing was taken from the dairy. Police are investigating and are awaiting forensic results from the scene examination.

Police are encouraging more use of loud audible panic alarms. Remote panic alarms offer the versatility of being able to access the panic button anywhere within the store. The activation of loud audible alarms immediately brings the attention of neighbours and other members of the public and this is a deterrent for would-be offenders.


 Personal skills 

Trust your gut instinct. If you see something or someone that looks suspicious and doesn’t feel right to you, phone police. Police will never be upset with you and would rather be called and not be needed instead of not being called at all. 


Never underestimate the power of a cup of tea. Neighbourhood Support have had a great initiative called “know your neighbour”, where safety pamphlets were handed out with two tea bags included. What a great way to get to know your neighbours by sharing a cuppa. They are likely to be the people looking after your precious home when you’re away. Better still look up Neighbourhood Support on their website http://www.ns.org.nz/ for more info on how to form your own groups.

Constable Satvir Sen is District Ethnic Liaison Officer for Counties Manukau.