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Google's top 5 most searched recipes in India in 2023

In a delightful twist of flavors, Google's Year in Search 2023 has spilled the beans on India's gastronomic preferences, and it's not your average recipe roundup. Topping the charts is the unassuming yet mighty mango pickle, affectionately known as 'aam ka achaar,' proving that in India, the obsession with mangoes is not to be taken lightly.

Mangoes, the nation's perennial favorite, take on various roles from salads to smoothies, curries to murabba. When the mangoes decide to take a hiatus during the off-season, fear not—enter the humble mango pickle, swooping in to rescue dull meals with its tangy prowess. Parathas, beware, for this culinary companion has claimed the numero uno spot in the most-searched recipes of 2023.

Stealing the spotlight at a close second is the cheekily named "Sex on the Beach" recipe, a concoction of vodka, peach schnapps, orange juice, and cranberry juice. Originating in 1987 as a bartender's challenge at Confetti's Bar in Florida, this visually appealing and delectable drink has found its place as a favorite among cocktail enthusiasts. A nod to holidayers, this recipe adds a splash of excitement to Google's Year in Search 2023.

But it's not all about the heat and spirits; spirituality takes a sip of the limelight with the Panchamrit recipe securing the third position. This holy elixir, a staple during auspicious occasions and puja ceremonies, blends the goodness of milk, curd, ghee, honey, and sugar. Considered prasad after offering it to deities, Panchamrit not only fuels devotion but also promises vitality and immunity, a divine addition to the culinary hall of fame.

Venturing into uncharted territory, the Hakusai recipe makes a surprising appearance. This salted and pickled cabbage, a delightful side dish, brings the essence of Napa cabbage—a Chinese delight originating near Beijing. While it can be enjoyed with rice, it also adds a unique touch to East Asian cuisine, proving that sometimes, the underdogs steal the spotlight.

As the festive fervor takes over, Dhaniya Panjiri emerges as a powerhouse in the recipe rankings. A festival and fasting favorite, this preparation is a surefire way to energize and stave off hunger pangs. Packed with fiber, antioxidants, and essential nutrients, it's a culinary celebration that keeps both tradition and health in perfect harmony.

In the culinary carnival of Google's Year in Search 2023, India has showcased its diverse palate, ranging from the tangy kick of mango pickles to the spirited allure of 'Sex on the Beach,' with a dash of spiritual sips and unexpected delicacies in between.

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