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'Overstayer Compliance Assured': National's Erica Stanford:

Erica Stanford

A National government will ensure immigration officials comply with rules and make sure overstayers are brought to book, Erica Stanford has said.

The immigration spokesperson was responding to a specific question by The Indian Weekender if her government will actively pursue prosecution of overstayers. 

“I can’t comment on the current efficiency of immigration officials in this regard. We’ve had Covid-19 pandemic and obviously that restricted work in this direction. 

“But I can tell you our government will ensure full compliance from Immigration New Zealand when it comes to overstayers.”

Over the weekend, the Labour Party announced if it were to come to power again, overstayers who have been in the country for more than 10 years will be offered respite. 

The party’s immigration spokesperson Andrew Little promised a one-off visa to people who had overstayed for more than a decade, saying the offer was about making good on Jacinda Ardern’s Dawn Raid apology two years ago.

Little promised to enact what he described as a “one-off regularisation programme for well-settled overstayers” within 100 days of re-election.

Stanford pointed out that Labour’s announcement has been vague and that they haven’t provided details about what the regularisation process will entail.

“They haven’t used the word amnesty, but let me be clear - what they are offering is an amnesty. This could very well mean an offer of residency to overstayers. 

“National is not considering any amnesty for overstayers because they undermine the integrity of our immigration system that relies on the rules being followed.”

Stanford said the law already provides for those who became overstayers for no fault of theirs to appeal to the immigration minister against deportation.


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