
Latest Job Stats Show Public Sector Cuts Being Felt

Written by RNZ | Apr 18, 2024 11:36:28 PM

Public sector cuts appear to be having an impact, particularly in Wellington, the latest jobs statistics show.

More than 3000 jobs have already been announced as going from government departments and agencies.

And Trade Me data showed listings for jobs in central government were down 77 percent year on year, and 34 percent for the past three months.

The average salary in Wellington was down 3.3 percent on the previous quarter to $72,062, the biggest percentage drop across all the regions.


The number of job applications in Wellington increased by about 18 percent compared to the last three months of 2023.

Trade Me's Matt Tolich said Wellington was beginning to show the impact of public sector job cuts.

Overall the number of job listings in the three months to March rose, up 11.7 percent compared to the previous quarter.

Tolich said that showed employers were still looking for staff despite the challenging economic conditions.

"Among the biggest increases in listings were in agriculture, office and administration and the hospitality and tourism sectors."

The number of overall applications was also up for the quarter, by 15.4 percent, driven by migration and those who had lost their job, Tolich said.