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Dirty Or Clean, No Public Airing Of Laundry At Auckland Apartments

An apartment complex said residents cannot dry laundry on their balconies. Photo: 123rf

For many, hanging the laundry up outside is something they would not give a second thought.

But residents at an Auckland apartment building have been told they can not hang their wet washing out on the balcony.

It has been banned because it affects the aesthetic of the building - and is a breach of community guidelines.

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Checkpoint's Louise Ternouth went to visit the residents of the Resido Apartments in Mount Wellington.

"It's pretty awful, having to dry our clothes inside or using the drier, so, yeah, not great," one resident said.

"Driers are obviously really expensive, drying clothes inside invites mould," he added.

But one woman said she understood the reasoning.

"I mean I get I guess that they're all about the aesthetic of the building and they want everything to look polished, it is a beautiful place.

"I can see why people wouldn't be stoked about it, especially, wanting to be a bit more eco-friendly and not use washing machines and what have you."

Caitlin Walker is the Property and Leasing Manager for Resido and she said the views of some residents has been a surprise.

"We've been up front about it, it's in our community rules, it's in the residents guide, we talk about it on our tours as people come through so it's definitely not something new or that's been sprung on them."

Walker said no residents have complained to her before about the restriction, and said recent resident satisfaction surveys showed most were happy.

"You can't always please everyone but the majority of our residents seem satisfied and happy with the rules and the way of living at Resido."

She said she felt the views of residents angry they could not dry laundry outdoors was a minority one.

Walker said she encouraged any concerned residents upset about the laundry ban to talk to staff.

"By all means, come and talk to us and we can try and find a way forward."

Walker said the laundry ban was not likely to be lifted, but there could be alternatives such as a drying rack in a common area.

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