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Auckland Store Owner Robbed 19 times, Now Sees It As Normal

Auckland Liquor Store Owner Shares Fear and Frustration Amidst Persistent Attacks

Ravinder Singh, owner of Counties Liquor Inn, Kwik Vape, and Kwik Mart in Pukekohe, has expressed deep concern over the safety of his staff and family following a series of violent incidents at his stores. Singh, who moved to New Zealand from India 15 years ago, described feeling terror and distress after being stabbed once and robbed numerous times, the news portal Stuff reported

Singh's ordeal includes a recent incident where a customer threatened him with a shotgun during a robbery attempt. "Right now, as we are talking, he can walk in any time with a shotgun," Singh stated during an interview with Stuff at his liquor store.

Despite the trauma of these events, Singh has been resilient, investing over $50,000 in security measures over the past five years. His stores are equipped with 16 CCTV cameras, security alarms, bollards, fog cannons, and automatic doors with an override button.


The community of Pukekohe has shown support for Singh, with locals rallying around him during difficult times. "The community brought me cemented blocks last time it [a ram raid] happened. Within 10 minutes, the community was here looking after me," Singh shared.

While Singh remains determined to keep his business open, he is also concerned about the impact on his family. He has chosen not to share the full extent of the violent incidents with his young daughters, wanting to shield them from fear.

Singh believes that addressing the root causes of crime, such as good parenting and community education, is crucial. "I think it has a lot to do with good parenting of these young people and that's being ignored," he told Stuff

Despite the challenges he has faced, Singh remains committed to serving the Pukekohe community. "We are just serving the community, paying our mortgages, and paying rent. We are not doing anything wrong. I don't see any reason to close down my business," he affirmed.

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