
Watch: $400 repair for car dented by runaway trolley at Countdown

Written by IWK Bureau | Feb 6, 2024 8:04:46 AM

A mischievous shopping cart has emerged as the culprit in a supermarket saga, causing a collision and sparking a privacy dispute with Countdown.

In a surprising reversal, the supermarket has shifted gears from its initial refusal to share CCTV footage with Kelly Hamilton, whose car suffered damage in the incident.


On November 20, the Glenfield resident noticed a dent in her car's boot about 10.30pm in the Hauraki Corner car park. When she approached Countdown for the CCTV footage to support her insurance claim, they initially declined, citing privacy concerns.

Frustrated by the refusal and burdened by a $400 insurance excess, Hamilton sought police assistance, only to be informed that car park incidents weren't within their purview. 

Countdown, however, eventually provided her with the footage, pledging to review and streamline their CCTV request process.

The video unveiled a scene of a fellow customer's unattended trolley rolling into Hamilton's car while its owner seemed oblivious. Countdown, mindful of privacy, blurred the footage to protect the identities of other customers.

Countdown had previously defended their stance, citing the Privacy Act of 2020, which classifies CCTV footage involving customers or staff as "personal information" subject to privacy limitations. 

Privacy Principle 11 restricts the disclosure of such information, permitting it only in specific circumstances.