McClay’s 1-day trip to India finalised, what’s on agenda?

Education, business and diplomacy will be on the agenda when Todd McClay visits New Delhi to meet counterpart Piyush Goyal on December 18, 2023.
The trade minister has confirmed to The Indian Weekender he will be flying straight to New Delhi for a day-long trip. “I am making several speeches and will meet my ministerial counterpart. I spend one day there and then return to New Zealand the same evening via Singapore."
The trip comes in the backdrop of Christopher Luxon emphasising his intent to shore up diplomatic and trade ties with India ever since he became the prime minister.
A pivotal moment in the visit will be his meeting with Piyush Goyal. "I'm meeting my ministerial counterpart, Shri Piyush Goyal, to talk about Prime Minister Christoper Luxon's government's commitment to making our relationship with India a strategic priority."
The visit is strategically packed with engagements that underscore the commitment to enhancing economic and diplomatic relations between the two nations. Among the itinerary's key highlights are speeches targeting various sectors crucial to fostering bilateral cooperation.
"I'm speaking to a large group from the Indian education sector to discuss opportunities for students to study in NZ.
“I'm giving a speech to a large group of directors from small and medium-sized Indian businesses about export opportunities with NZ.
“I'm delivering a speech to 200 leaders from large industries about investment opportunities in NZ."
The trade minister is also scheduled to meet with a group of New Zealand businesses actively involved in the Indian market. These engagements aim to explore existing collaborations, identify new opportunities, and foster stronger ties between businesses from both countries.
Acknowledging the importance of enhancing air connectivity and tourism, McClay is also scheduled to meet the CEO of Air India during his visit. He also plans to visit a local temple, reinforcing the significance of people-to-people connections in diplomatic relationships.