Local boards contribute $90,000 to support Papatoetoe tornado victims

Two local boards have committed $90,000 between them to bolster Auckland Council’s Mayoral Relief Fund for those suffering in the wake of the tornado that swept through Papatoetoe on 19 June.
With more than 1200 properties affected, including 18 since assessed as uninhabitable and another 51 significantly damaged and unsafe to enter, the fund stands at $200,000 after the Government and Auckland Council committed $100,000 each.
Now Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board has pledged $60,000 to the fund to provide support to those affected.
Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board passed a resolution at an extraordinary business meeting this week (Tuesday) that allocates its unspent Local Development Initiative (LDI) budget for the 2020-2021 financial year to the relief fund.
Board chairperson Apulu Reece Autagavaia urged those affected by the tornado to use the fund.
“This is ratepayer money going back to ratepayers who have suffered from the impacts of the tornado,” he says.
“It is not a large amount considering the need, but it is everything left over from our end of the financial year, and what better cause to use this money on than to alleviate, even if in a small way, the stress and loss our Papatoetoe residents have suffered.
“We urge people to apply and utilise the Mayoral Relief Fund - it's your money!”
The neighbouring Howick Local Board also made an urgent decision this week that allocates $30,000 in unspent LDI budget to the fund.
Chairperson Adele White says seeing the devastation on TV news was heart-breaking.
“All members of the Howick Local Board were deeply moved for Papatoetoe residents hit so far by the tornado and we hope this contribution can go some way to assisting with restoration and recovery.”
Mayor Phil Goff says the fund will support people who need urgent financial assistance as well as community groups providing support on the ground level.
“Thank you to both Howick and Otara-Papatoetoe local boards for this generous allocation in support of their fellow Aucklanders,” he said.
“This funding is representative of the generosity and community spirit shown in the aftermath of the tornado, and I am sure it will be greatly appreciated by those who need to access support.”