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Bhartiya Samaj hosts its first in-person seniors meeting post-Covid lockdown

Senior citizens of Bhartiya Samaj are relieved to finally have the chance to have an in-person meeting with their peers and friends post-Covid lockdown. Bhartiya Samaj hosted its first in-person seniors' meeting event on Saturday, July 25, at Mt Roskill War Memorial Hall ever since the lockdown in the country was lifted. 

"Though during the lockdown period all of us had the opportunity to spend time with our loved ones and family, the hardest part of it was being unable to meet friends and families we care about, and it has shown how critical is social interaction for our mental health," a spokesperson from Bhartiya Samaj said. 

The spokesperson further added that although technology made it a great deal easier to endure these tough times and build up a virtual world for most, but it wasn't a replacement for physical interaction.

"As the seniors entered the meeting hall, their faces were beaming with excitement and happiness seeing their friends after a long time," the spokesperson said. 

The day commenced with Bhartiya Samaj Chairperson Jeet Suchdev welcoming the gathering, greeting everyone and appreciating the efforts of all New Zealanders in the victory over the fight against Corona. 

Mt Roskill MP Michael Wood also welcomed one and all and thanked the Bhartiya Samaj, senior members for their collective efforts in their help to stamp out the COVID. 

He applauded the commendable work done by Mr Suchdev in helping out the community and the stranded families during those testing times. The day flagged off with an exercise session by Ella Kumar, this was followed by a small cultural program put up by the Senior members who sang songs and danced exhilarating their hearts out. 

"The atmosphere had a sense of joy and relief of meeting fellow friends after a long time," the spokesperson said. 

An Electoral Commission workshop was held to educate the voters and encouraged them to enrol and have their say in New Zealand's general elections and referendums.

The grand finale of the event was a lavish spread of sumptuous lunch served by Bhartiya Samaj to everyone present there. 

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