Kiwis stranded in India: Govt update on evacuation plan expected soon

Government update on a possible evacuation plan for the Kiwis stranded in India is expected anytime soon this afternoon.
The Indian Weekender was following up with the office of the Prime Minister after she said in today’s official media briefing at 1 p.m. that she had details of actions being taken on Kiwis stranded in Peru, Uruguay and India when her office confirmed that a statement is coming out soon.
Notably, during the media briefing immediately after the health update earlier this afternoon PM herself gave the indication that she had clear details about Kiwis stranded in three countries, including India.
While she was asked a question about Kiwis stranded in Peru, no question was raised about the Kiwis stranded in India.
Upon community’s immense interest the Indian Weekender has immediately followed with her office, which has indicated that a detailed plan is coming out shortly.
Earlier, the Indian Weekender has also sent enquiries to the Prime Minister’s Office on Sunday, April 12, about the perceived absence of robust diplomatic efforts in organising evacuation plans, where other countries have been successfully coordinating and organising such evacuation plans.
Prime Minister’s Office has forwarded the request to the office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs & Trade for further updates.
Earlier, the Indian Weekender has been spearheading the campaign for some time now on the repatriation of kiwi Indians and it appears the efforts are coming to fruition.
Read our story here:
New Zealand government needs to show more resolve to repatriate Kiwis stranded in India, rather than just sheepishly shifting the responsibility of their own inactions on a covid-19 related lockdown in a foreign country.
There is a narrative being spun on social media that somehow internal restrictions placed in India in support of Covid-19 related nation-wide lockdown is holding back New Zealand government from organising an evacuation plan for Kiwis stranded in India.
This is not only factually incorrect but also in complete denial of the glaring reality that is fully available in public media where India has not only facilitated international flights from several countries from all around the world but also arranged for “connecting flights” from their own national carrier Air India, both locally and internationally. (Also:
For uninitiated, according to unconfirmed reports on social media, there are about 700-800 Kiwis currently stranded in different parts of India, who have been desperately trying to get government’s attention in arranging some kind of repatriation - either mercy or charter flights.
While till date countries like Canada, the United States, Australia, Ireland, Germany the United Kingdom have either sent their planes or negotiated Indian state carrier’s direct one way flights, bringing back their nationals to their home countries, there has not been either, any visible action from the NZ govt or any assurance from the authorities to the stranded Kiwis in India in support of repatriation.
On the other hand, a seemingly convenient narrative is gaining traction, largely on social media that internal domestic travel restrictions with India is somehow holding back NZ govt from making any robust plan to evacuate Kiwsi stranded in India.
Responding to one such outreach on social media by a member of public currently stranded in India, Kiwi-Indian MP and Private Secretary to Minister of Ethnic Affairs, Priyanka Radhakrishnan said, “There are about 770 Kiwis in India, all in various states. I understand one of the issues at play is that the Indian govt has shut down domestic travel completely, which means even there was a ‘mercy’ flight, many wouldn’t be able to get to the main centre to travel out.”
Further, responding to another concerned member of the public on the same social media post who sought to educate the MP about the provisions of “curfew passes” being issued by different state governments in India to facilitate urgent travel Ms Radhakrishnan said, “the curfew [pass] won’t help those who are stranded in the Southern States unless there are multiple flights.”
MP’s response is factually incorrect and without any basis
The responses clearly seem to be ill-informed assumptions than factual accurate information least expected to be coming from a Member of Parliament in the government as it unnecessarily blames a foreign country.
There is significant media reporting in several India’s English language dailies (Times of India) on sorties by Air India - India’s national carrier - to overseas destinations in Europe as late as last week mainly to help foreign travellers caught-up in India and helping them in getting back home. (Also read another report on Times of India)
Air India operated four flights to London’s Heathrow airport last week (April 2- 7) from Delhi and Mumbai Airport. Similarly, two flights to Germany and Israel were also operated in the same week, deploying Boeing 777 which operated as ferry flights -- without any passengers -- on the way back home.
Indian High Commissioner denies receiving any official request for the evacuation of Kiwis
Meanwhile, Indian High Commissioner in New Zealand, Muktesh Pardeshi has refused to directly comment on MP Priyanca Radha Krisnan’s social media post saying “government do not respond to hypothetical assertions.”
However, speaking more elaborately on the entire issue of stranded Kiwis in India and any ensuing diplomatic activity about a possible evacuation Mr Pardeshi pointed to several instances where many other foreign governments had sought and availed a favourable response from his government back home to support of evacuation of their respective nationals.
“Till date government of India has not received any official proposal and request for the evacuation of Kiwis stranded in India,” Mr Pardeshi said.
“I have seen reports of Air India [India’s national carrier] and some other foreign airlines operating rescue flights out of India to evacuate their nationals who have been stranded in India due to ongoing national lockdown.
Kharag Singh is one of the members of the public who is currently stranded in India with his 95-year-old father.
“I believe, nationals from the US, Canada, Germany, France, Ireland etc. have availed of this special dispensation,” Mr Pardeshi said.
On being further probed about the concerns around India’s internal travel restrictions between cities Mr Pardeshi also pointed out that recently Indian Airlines had organised two flights from Hyderabad and Amritsar to Mumbai to transfer 168 US citizens who were further to be flown on the US’s Delta Airlines back home.
“I am sure, the Government of India will look favourably at any similar proposal from New Zealand side to airlift its people from India.
“We have been regularly sharing inputs on stranded Kiwis in India with our Headquarters in Delhi,” Mr Pardeshi said.
The Indian Weekender has sent enquiries to the offices of the Prime Minister and Kiwi-Indian MP Priyanca Radhakrishnan to confirm if the suggestion being made by their MP on social media was the official position of New Zealand government or otherwise.
A response was awaited at the time of publishing of this story. (This story was published on Indian Weekender on Sunday, April 12)