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Police announces non-emergency number – it’s 105

At 10:05 am on the 10th of the 5th, New Zealand Police is launching 105 (“ten five”), the eagerly anticipated number for the public to report non-emergency situations to Police.

“More than 60 years on from the first 111 call, the launch of 105 today is a milestone for New Zealand Police, offering a new way for people to connect with us,” says Commissioner of Police Mike Bush.

“The 105 number and our online platform - 105.police.govt.nz - will make it easier for the public to engage with us for non-emergency help, advice and support.”

105 is a national non-emergency number that will be answered 24/7 by highly trained Police staff.

It is free to call from all landline and mobile numbers.

“Introducing 105 is part of our drive to modernise the way we deliver services to the public and ensure everyone in New Zealand can access policing services – anywhere, anytime,” says Commissioner Bush.

“We want people to use 105 to report non-emergency situations.

For example, if your car has been stolen, your property has been damaged, or you want to give Police information about crime in your area; use 105.

“111, on the other hand, should still be called immediately if a crime is taking place or there’s a threat to life or property.

It’s the number you use to connect with Police, Fire and Emergency, and the ambulance services.”

As well as by phone, people can go online to the 105 website to report certain non-emergency situations, and get updates on or add more information to their existing reports.

Currently, lost property, intentional property damage, shoplifting, general theft, and theft from a car can be reported at 105.police.govt.nz.

“We’re encouraging people to report non-emergencies online when and if they can,” says Commissioner Bush.

A public education and marketing campaign will ensure all New Zealanders are aware of the 105 number.

The public education campaign kicks off today and uses posters, brochures, and social media to help inform all New Zealanders about the number and when and how to use it.

Commissioner Bush says Police has planned for an increase in non-emergency calls with the introduction of 105.

“We’ll launch our marketing campaign - including a jingle designed to guarantee 105 is a number you’ll never forget - once we are sure we understand the demand which has been generated from the public education campaign.”

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