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Multi-Ethnic Extravaganza

Indian performers were part of the grand celebrations to mark Taranaki’s Race Relations Day recently.

Said to be the largest multi ethnic extravaganza in the country, the festival attracted on average 10,000-plus people.
Heading the Indian contingent, comprising dancers and performers, was Viraf Todywalla of V4U Entertainment Ltd.

Performances such as this is nothing new for Todywalla, who is well known in Indian music circles for staging numerous shows throughtout the country.

A street parade kicked off the day through the centre of the city with colourful and vibrant floats, walking groups and performers. The main event then followed at the local Yarrow Stadium, with around 40 ethnic food stalls, 60 arts and crafts stalls, and cultural entertainers performing on stage all day long.
The event supports and encourages local community group fundraising and is run by an able team of volunteers. 

A number of cultural groups were out in forrce for a fabulous day of fun, food, music, craft stalls, children’s entertainment and so much more!

The Taranaki Multi-Ethnic “Extravaganza” is held in March every year close to Race Relations Day.

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