Hrishitta Bhatt is the new Limca girl

Mumbai: Bollywood actor Hrishitta Bhatt has been tied up for Limca’s ‘Splash of freshness’ Summer Campaign.
Latest communication is based on how Limca with its splash of freshness can spark a playful romantic interaction between a boy and a girl who are complete strangers.
According to Ricardo Fort, Vice-President, Marketing, Coca-Cola India, “Limca is known for refreshing its consumers both physically and emotionally. The new Limca ‘Splash of freshness’ summer campaign takes the magic of ‘water-like freshness’ to the next level by using ‘Romance’ as a key to emotional rejuvenation. I am confident that this latest communication would find a special appeal amongst all soft-drink consumers.”
The communication revolves around two strangers, a girl (Hrishitta Bhatt) and a boy (Viraf Patel).
The story starts with Hrishitta Bhatt reading a book in her balcony.
Right opposite her house is Viraf Patel sitting on his bike with a bottle of Limca. With the book in her hands and eyes on Viraf, Hrishitta exchanges sweet, flirtatious glances with Viraf.
As soon as Viraf takes a sip of his Limca, the book in Hrishitta’s hands bursts into water leaving them both surprised.
And so begins the romantic ‘Shararat’ between the two as Hrishitta gets drenched when the object that she is reaching for [be it to dry herself, throw at him in anger or simply touch] turns into water. She finally gets her due when Viraf’s Limca finishes and she walks across to his house with her bottle of Limca.
As soon as she takes a sip, Viraf’s bike bursts into water and he falls on the ground drenched yet smiling.
The communication ends with both of them laughing together and signs off with the tag line – ‘Doobo taazgi mein’.