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The Electoral Commission has returned the writ for the 2017 General Election marking the end of the formal election process and setting the stage for Winston Peters to complete negotiations for the next coalition government. 

Winston Peters has set a deadline for himself coinciding with the official return of the writ, which is Thursday, October 12.

However, we all know that only Winston Peters knows if he will stick to the deadline which only he has given to himself. 

The writ was issued by the Governor-General on August 23 and directed the Electoral Commission to conduct the election.  It has been returned today to the Clerk of the House of Representatives showing the names of the successful electorate candidates. 

The Commission has also declared the successful list candidates by publishing a notice in the Gazette and forwarding a return to the Clerk of the House listing the names of the elected list candidates.

“No applications have been made for a recount of the election results, which means we have been able to finalise and return the writ to the Clerk of the House,” says Alicia Wright, Chief Electoral Officer.

The first meeting of the new Parliament must take place within six weeks of the return of the writ.

David Wilson, Clerk of the House of Representatives, says preparations are underway for the opening of the 52nd Parliament. 

“The return of the writ today is the next step in moving towards starting New Zealand’s 52nd Parliament.  Elected candidates come into office as Members of Parliament from tomorrow and are sworn in at the opening of Parliament which is required to take place by November 23,” Mr Wilson said.

The official election results are available from www.electionresults.govt.nz.


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